
What i Learned this weekend...

This weekend was an amazing weekend...i spent time lovely with friends, attended a beautiful wedding, and along the way learned some valuable lessons haha

-Never cut someone off in publix you may get in a fist brawl
-Puppies are like babies really cute to hold and look at but the minute they starting crying and peeing and pooping everywhere it's time to give back to there mom!
-Cherish, love, and spend time with the friends you already have they may need you more than you think they do.
-Hang out with drama and it will become a close friend whether you want it to or not.
-When walking lots of miles never do it in new shoes the after affects are painful.
-Just because a shoe is cute doesn't mean its comfortable!
-Walmart doesn't allow dogs inside...haha
-Advil heals all aliments
-Weddings are such a beautiful celebration of love
-Dressing up is one of my favorite things to do
-i love doing lunch with my mommy
-Always buy things waaaay ahead of time (like makeup, or medicine) becuase you never know when they may be out of stock!
-CVS needs more employees there lines are way to long!
-God made us and knit us together and yet we think he doesn't know what makes us happy of course he does! So Trust Him!
-Intergrity is an important quality to hold its what stands bold.
-Hang with trash and you will become trash
-The choices we make impact our lives now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Que rico es mi barrio..."Hialeah la ciudad que progresa"

El Cubanaso, Roberto