
Snowy Selecky September 1992 - November 2008

Today has been kind of a sad day for me. My doggie that i had for almost 18 years passed away. I know you may think i'm crazy but he's been around for so long he really has become part of our family and brought us so much joy throughout almost my whole lifetime!

I'll never forget it i got snowy for my 7th birthday. I had been wanting a dog and my parents had been trying to put it off but my pleads for a dog kept getting bigger and bigger and more annoying finally they thought they would be tricky and get me a fake toy maltese that walked like a regular dog but the only difference it was fake. I was 7 and not dumb and i quickly realized their tricky plan and finally they gave in and decided to take me dog shopping. So that night we went to the mall (this is when dog kennels were in the mall) and looked around right away my mom saw these two white adorable puppies that resembled a cotton ball. We asked if we could go in the play room with them and we did. This was my first meeting with snowy. He was energetic, hyper and so adorable! He was so loveable that night we walked out with him in our arms and our lives were never the same after that. I will never forget how small he was...he barely fit in the palm of my daddys hand. It was like he was a little toy. Snowy was a maltese that was filled with lots of energy and had quite a little character. I rem. we decided on the name snowy because he had the most unique way he slept in a little ball like a snowball. Snowy like i said was quite a character he made us laugh with some of the crazy little things he did.

Years went by and i dressed him up in my cabbage patch clothes, he picked my clothes for school the sign was he would sniff the one i would wear lol, he ran away on few occasions under my grandparents watch, he survived hurricanes, attended all my middle school and high school parties at home, kept me company when i was bored and brought so much joy to my life. My parents always joked and said snowy was my little brother but i actually think it was true since i was an only child...whenever i was upset it was his playfulness that would make me forget about it...whenever i was lonely it was his company that made me smile...whenever i was bored he would provide hours of entertainment...he was my tv buddy (he loved cartoons!) He was a wonderful dog. I remember the day i left for college i was so sad because i thought i would never see him again but little did i know he would last 5 more years after that! When all my friends would ask what i missed about home i would say family of course but then i would say snowy...lol We say he was like a cat he had 50 lives...whenever we thought it was the end he kept coming back...he did this funny little trick where at home he would pretend to be really sick and then when we would rush him to the vet he was fine the vet would say he was in the best condition ever! lol Although i miss him entirely and wish that i could hear his little feet walk on the wood floors in my house i know it was best he gave us 18 years of our lives (almost half my life so far!) He was a wonderful pet and a great member of the family i will miss him but it was worth all the 18 yrs he spent in the selecky family! It's funny how animals can be so much apart of our lives u think their just an animal but you get so attached sometimes. I love you snowy :)


Anonymous said...

Love him Snowy!!! I miss him so much but I keep thinking of all the happy memories.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking how we use to play hide and seek with him when you were a little girl. He would have such a cute face when he would finally find us or when we would play tag you are it and he would bite our ankles to tag us.

The comment about the happy memories is from mom.

Thank you for posting this!
love you,

Anonymous said...

How about when he used to go out in the yard when we had the house and he would freeze like a little statue.

Or, when Abuela was baby sitting him and he made an escape and ran through the high grass and got all those pointy sticky things in his hair...ouch!!! I can still see his ears flapping in the wind as he made that mad dash down the block...too funny!

WOW, so many memories that we will carry with us. I am so glad that we had him for so many years; many don't last for 17 plus years!

Love you my little Princess!


Anonymous said...

You are making me cry. Now that I have dogs I really worry to go missing them.
Krity reading you post was fun and sad, but you were blessed by your buddy...rest in peace...he doesn't have more pain...

Los queremos,
Los Meza

Gloria Rodriguez said...

Kristy, I am so very sorry mama. I know how specia snowy was to you and the family :(