
Ahem, That's Mrs. Garcia....

That's Right! Since the last time I've blogged much has happened! Among the change of my last name a whole year has gone by....so to make this fast so I can start blogging about other stuff let me update! Here are the changes you missed...

I married the most amazing wonderful incredible Man in May of 09
We moved to a wonderful new place
We found an amazing church that is touching lives everyday (check it out www.firstbaptistaltomontesprings.org)

I now have my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and am currently enrolling with the state to become an intern.
I have an amazing job as a masters therapist working with children in various schools in central Orlando
My husband is living his dream as he attends Full Sail for graphic design...so if anyone whats his services of graphic design give him a holler
I now have 3 new additions to my family...3 beautiful cousins (Sarah Joy, Tyler, and Bryan)

My sister in law had the most beautiful quinces and is now almost old enough to drive!
Melissa Montanez is now Melissa Lunsford :)
As you can see God has truly been blessing us beyond we could of ever imagined!!!

1 comment:

Chantal said...

I'm lovin' this post.
I'm lovin' the blog.
I'm lovin' you.