it's quite humorous that the only time i write in my blog is 1. when i can't sleep and i have something on my mind 2. have exciting news 3. feel sad i so need to write in here more! i sit here awake and can't sleep (which i will regret tommorrow!) ....this song comes to my mind "amazing love how can it be that you my king would die for me..." wow how grateful i am for the Lord's forgiveness (don't worry guys i didn't commit a murder lol just thankful!) Thankful that the Lord knowing my weaknesses, imperfections, and deepest thoughts would love me and die for me know i'm an imperfect person and will continue to let him down at times....but he loves me sooooooooooo much he FORGIVES! Today i was talking with my parents about the shooting that happened in colorado and i was thinking would i have died for a random christian that i don't know willingly so that people may come to christ and the answer in my mind is how selfish! Not to long ago i was reading in my Oswald Chambers book (thanks Jen) about forgiveness and i realized how selfish i was and somehow i still am! See like i wrote in my Journal..."i assumed that God was suppose to forgive me when i messed up like he owed it to me not ever thinking of where that forgiveness comes from or the price it costed....But God did not have to forgive me! He choose out of his own will to die a very very painful death in order to forgive people like me! It is because of his death on the cross that i Kristina Marie Selecky have been forgiven and will continue to be forgiven it was because of his UNSELFISH SCARFICE!" i have to constantly remind myself that yes i am forgiven but it costed Jesus his life....THANK YOU JESUS FOR FORGIVENESS THAT COVERS ALL SINS NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL! When life gets so busy i have to sit down and remind myself of God's unselfish scarfice! It just amazes me what a great FAther i have and how his love is so overflowing....i can only be thankful =)
"In him we have...the forgiveness of sins..." Eph. 1:7
goodnight guys!
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