
Good Friends never get old....

What a weekend! let me just start by saying i love my friends! and this weekend was a very memorable weekend! I spent Friday with moni! at the new outdoor mall which i must say is quite amazing it feels like your not in florida! i enjoyed spending time talking with her its so important to have friends that you find joyful and make you happy! Melissa joined the 24 club and so that called for some celebration right? but see melissa is special she likes interesting things somehow we let her talk us into going to a Bhangra competition! i didn't even know what Bhangra was but now i'm well emersed. Bhangra for those of you uncultural people lol just kidding orginated in India and it is a type of folk dance quite easy and fun! i must say at first i was a bit skeptical since well we were basically the only non indian people there but it ended up being alot of F-U-N! i learned several things like Nova has a Bhangra team! So does um uf and fiu! I also learned some pretty neat moves that i will be using! its quite easy if your interested me moni, nana and melissa can teach you...haha i don't think i have laughed so hard though until i saw a bunch of crazy guys dancing they had no rymthm it was quite the show. Not only did we see cool people dance but but we heard a famous indian singer sing thats right! to bad we didn't understand a word that came out of his mouth! We were so excited when we left that we danced Bhangra all the way to the car...and created so cool moves as you can see above. and the fun didn't end there we got a free bhangra cd! Its so good sometimes to have good friends to just be crazy with and laugh and make anything fun! Good friends bring joy to your life i know my friends do and i'm so thankful to God to have them in my life!


Pics of my christmas, new years, and dress shopping....

time to update i mean it is 2008!

Well lets see...i'm here for my monthly writing...haha i must say its always fun to just write about my life and havc all you fun people read it....well lets rewind...i've had an eventful few weeks beginning with
1. HOLIDAYS:: these holidays were a bit different i went to NJ! yay! although it was cold as an icebox i must say there were quite a few things i like about the garden state! first, its to cold to exercise daily second, you never have to pump gas third, your nieghbors to New York City fourth, they have pretty deers Fifth, you can make smores in your fireplace inside! Sixth, H&M is only a car ride away! Some of the positives i must say! besides that i enjoyed every minute spending time with my family. I also enjoyed my christmas present a trip to the spa for a mud wrap! i know!
2. New Years:: Good old New Years Eve was spent almost in the air but fortunately Mr. Pilot made it just in time for me to attend my Black and White Party! Yes it was quite the affair with mini quiches and friends we danced the night away and me and monique (my date lol) made our new yrs resolutions....1. To not be in the last women standing club anymore LOL 2. To exercise more ... i'm sure there were more but as you can see i have already forgotten! one thing is for sure something great happened a few days before one of my best friends got engaged yay nana! So that leads me to my next event.
3. Wedding Dress Shopping:: I never knew how hard it would be to plan a wedding until i started helping nana. I never knew the meaning of the street miracle mile until i had to walk every last mile of it...and i know every wedding store in its entire dress and invitation line...lol So if you ever need advice you can now ask me i'm an expert. I joke though i had an amazing time trying to find my friend's wedding dress, it was such a refreshing experience to know that in a few months cristina will be marrying the man she loves! o and there story is adorable but to sum it up in few words she didn't date for like 10 years went to jordan and found her husband (hes from the usa lol).
4. SchooL StarTs:: As excited i was for the semster to be over....and even more excited to discover that i received a 4.0 gpa my first semster! i'm still not super excited about this semster...breaks are always so peaceful and fun and over way to quickly...regardless this is the semster of doom! why kristy do you ask? well i'll tell you this is the semster when i begin to counsel REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL PROBLEMS...ahhhhh. My first week of school i survived without any injury or making a fool of myself...excited to see my friends...and excited about the first day of classes since you get out early! but wasn't excited on thursday when i found out i was going to meet my first victim i mean client...luckily God loves me and my client didn't show so i had to watch everyone else go behind the mirror..it was the koolest thing ever i must admit to watch it being done...it made me so happy and excited that this is what i truly want to do for the rest of my life help people in times in need when they think that can't take it anymore and just be there to help! i loved it! and i'm excited sadly to start school once again.
5. Project Spring Cleaning:: apparantly when i made my new years resolution i secretly decided to spring clean my room, bathroom and closet all while starting school. lol. i know i'm a nut i must say....because i had no idea what the H i was getting myself into....apparently i am a pack rat...who hasn't spring cleaned her closet since she was 7....LOL....i found homework in my closet from like junior high...luckily after much sweat, an almost broken foot, a sore arm and almost breaking the new cubby cabinet i purchased...i finished my project and i am happy to report that my closet, desk and bathroom are fully organized =) and i must admit it feels great (just don't tell my mom ;)
So theres the new year updates! and my last resolution is to write in this things more gosh! If you are so inclined above this post i have posted pictures of my last few weeks!