
Random Thoughts...By ME

Cancellations should be another word for disappointments.
Slow Drivers, Elderly, and Tourist should drive in a specified lane on the hwy. or street.
People notice everything we do, sometimes even when we think no one is watching.
One should get 12 hrs of sleep before working with preschoolers.
Friends are a blessing.
Cousins can be like annoying siblings at times but be patient with them and love them!
Always make sure to get a full background check before considering to date someone than you most likely won't end up in therapy (thanks to my family therapy sessions i learned this!)
Fear not because God is sitting right next to you! =)
Never say never because it always ends up happening!
There should be an instruction manual on How to cake properly...lol
i want to learn how to cook so i'm not just eating frozen meals for the rest of my life.
To do list are liberating (especially when you check something off)
I'm Free in God's love... I need to get up and dance more in his love.
Why can't we have a national nap day?!?! With all the lack of rest in our country...lol
You never to old to learn new words.
Parents are wiser than we give them credit for.
A picture is worth more than a thousand words.
crying is contagious

Thanks for whirling around in my mind for a few minutes! ;)


Spinning = Sore Legs

Well in my mission to get more fit i thought it would be a wonderful idea to take my first spinning class! I mean i love riding bikes how hard can this class really be <----were the thoughts that raced through my head 15 minutes before the class. Ha but 5 minutes into the class my thoughts quickly changed to ---> what the crap did i get myself into, I'm going to die, My legs are going to fall off, and much much more. It was like a nightmare that wouldn't end...its dark (which was good because no one could see my underachieving) the music was so loud and i had a man screaming at me to go faster! After the 50 minutes were up i was sooooo excited i tried to get of the bike and i just couldn't feel my legs but as i stretched i felt actually and suprisingly good that i kristy selecky lasted 50 minutes in my very first spinning class! the more i thought about it the better i felt...i put my mind to something and i did it! Although my legs are sore as can be...i will be fine! and i do plan on going to spinning once again...hoepfully sooner than later! Now its on my way to class lets hope i can make it up the stairs haha!


Betty Crocker makes the best cakes....;)

So Last night i learned a new word that i would like to share thanks to some people at elevate...one that i might use more now"caking" i know u were just as confused as me when i first heard it but it means basically means flirting...hilarious i loved it! I must say that i have been truly blessed to have met new friends at FRC elevate...i must admit i was bit nervous about going since i can be shy at times...and most college groups have the biggest clicks...BUT Elevate is wonderful everyone has just been so sweet and nice and really friendly and just have made me feel like i've known them for years! I enjoy hanging with them so much...they make me laugh and teach me new words and they are alot of fun. God is so wonderful sometimes i must say that with friends he has truly blessed me with old ones and new ones now as well. i hope we will have many more times of caking and playing football and pool!


Miss Therapist in The House

So i was super excited for this semster to begin siiince it would be the semster i would counsel people (even though i have no idea what i'm doing) yes and they are REAL people haha....but as 6 weeks have past by i have begin to grow restless without a client...i mean it felt like everyone at nova had a client except for me and my co therapist! I would pray every week and than come in on thursday and nothing...well after my loong week of from school i recieved a rather eciting phonecall on Friday when my partner (co-therpist) told me we GOT A NEW CLIENT!!! yay! i can't say much about them because therapist have these stupid rules about keeping things private...lol but i can say God will truly stretch me because its working with s specific area that i guess i can't relate because i'm not married and i get frustrated with...haha But i can say that i'm totally excited i've been wanting to get in that therapy room and help some people!

But along with this super excitement like the first time you go to disney...is a nervousness because i'm not sure what to expect (This is my first time doing therapy with adults!) just like you don't know what to expect when you go to disney for the first time ever in your life! But i know its all in God's hands...i read the coolest devo out of my beth moore book about fear the other day about ... It was called don't fear it, pray it. It gave the verse isaiah 41:10,13...u should read it if you have a chance! It just talks about how we have nothing to fear since God is at our right hand and he will strenghten us and hold us up! wow thats so cool what an amazing promise! So instead of fearing the solution is to pray! It just reminded me of this because no matter how big this client's problem is with prayer God will give me the right questions to ask =)

Thank Jesus for finally giving me a client!!!!! Lets just hope my client isn't Mr. Hulk there it might make me frightened...haha