
Baby Maddison =)

Yesterday at 4pm Maddison Lynn Todd was born! Isn't she adorable?!?! Who is Maddison and why am i posting her on my blog well first of all i think she's simply adorable and 2nd her parnets have a very strong impact on my life. Not only are they friends but they are my mentors people who just have shown me kindness and just been amazing examples!
See i attend my grandparents church alot as some of you know and about a year ago our college group was in need of help only 5 people were going our leaders had abondoned us and we just wanted amazing leaders that we could just look up to and learn from....we prayed and prayed and secretly me and one of my best friends hoped it would be Jennifer and Brian (because they are awesome!) and long and behold God answered our prayers! They decided to be our college leaders...and i was so excited just to see the passion in college group it made me sooooo excited! As one of the leaders in the mix i really got to spend time with them and plan things and as this year or longer lol has gone by i thank God for this blessing of putting two amazing leaders in my life! They are both just God fearing people who love God and have such a passion to help young people its amazing! Their fire is truly contangious spend a few min. with them and you will want to take on the world! They have helped us in times of need and brought us joy (especially when we have prank wars), and the best part is i feel like they are our friends and they care about us and love us....So this is why baby Maddison is important to me...because her parents are important to me and have impacted my life for Christ and has pushed to become who God has planned me to be!
I'm excited to see the plans God has for baby Maddison as she grows! It's been amazing to see her grow from basically nothing into this real life baby. Babies are so beautiful and pure...i'm so glad God created them haha

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