
Good Friends never get old....

What a weekend! let me just start by saying i love my friends! and this weekend was a very memorable weekend! I spent Friday with moni! at the new outdoor mall which i must say is quite amazing it feels like your not in florida! i enjoyed spending time talking with her its so important to have friends that you find joyful and make you happy! Melissa joined the 24 club and so that called for some celebration right? but see melissa is special she likes interesting things somehow we let her talk us into going to a Bhangra competition! i didn't even know what Bhangra was but now i'm well emersed. Bhangra for those of you uncultural people lol just kidding orginated in India and it is a type of folk dance quite easy and fun! i must say at first i was a bit skeptical since well we were basically the only non indian people there but it ended up being alot of F-U-N! i learned several things like Nova has a Bhangra team! So does um uf and fiu! I also learned some pretty neat moves that i will be using! its quite easy if your interested me moni, nana and melissa can teach you...haha i don't think i have laughed so hard though until i saw a bunch of crazy guys dancing they had no rymthm it was quite the show. Not only did we see cool people dance but but we heard a famous indian singer sing thats right! to bad we didn't understand a word that came out of his mouth! We were so excited when we left that we danced Bhangra all the way to the car...and created so cool moves as you can see above. and the fun didn't end there we got a free bhangra cd! Its so good sometimes to have good friends to just be crazy with and laugh and make anything fun! Good friends bring joy to your life i know my friends do and i'm so thankful to God to have them in my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So glad you had a great time with your friends. I thank God for these friends He has put in your path. Moni, Nana and Mel are young Christian women that love the Lord and are true friends. They are an answer to pray.

I love you baby girl!

Dad (xoxoxoxoxoxo)