
Good Friends

" Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." Ecc. 4:9-10

Yesterday Night was girls night with some of my very best friends! Vanessa the one pictured in the middle (sorry boys shes taken haha) came home from LU on springbreak! And we are so glad to have her home! It was a great excuse for all of us to hang out...nothing exciting we went to Pei Wei and were the loudest ones in the place but we had such a wonderful time! Laughing, Joking, just being girls with not a boy in site! As i thought about it i realized how refreshing it is to have good girl friends! Especially ones that are such wonderful God fearing Women! ;)
We are all at a transational stage in our lives some of us are getting married and moving to another state (nana), some are in grad school (me) and some are just graduating college...and though our lives can get chaotic its great to have friends that i can just have fun with and laugh with and be me. i know these girls will do anything for me and i hope when were old ladies we will still be able to have our dinners out, and still be the loudest ones there. Even if it means flying somewhere haha
My heart gets happiest on nights like these when i can just be myself around friends that love me and will laugh at my dumb jokes haha. I have truly been blessed for all the wonderful friendships that God has put into my life especially these friends...they hold a special place in my heart and bring much joy and happiness to my heart!
So i was thinking If i had to compare us to something it would so be the movie the sisterhood of the traveling pants : we laugh, were spontanous, we have sad moments but were always there even if its just giving each other a hug, and i know we will be lifelong friends, and instead of passing around jeans we will be passing around a big book =)
And like the verse above said if i didn't have these girls there would be times i would be in lots of trouble! Because they have reached out and helped me many times and for that i am thankful! And to all my other friends i love you also and you bring much joy as well! don't think i didn't forget about you ;)

"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine."
Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Girl,

It is so cool to see the relationship you have with your friends: Nana, Vanessa, Moni, Melissa, Stacie (IE), Shoshana...and all the rest.

You and your friends are the next generation God will use to expand His Kingdom. That is exciting!

I love the below verse and it is so appropriate for this post.

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."

Love you,