Ah...Parents they are the ones who give us life, make us happy, makes us cry, make us mad at times, other times they makes us go crazy, they just know how to embrass us but deep down inside we love them! And thats just how i feel about my mom and dad. Obivously you know i'm an only child so my relationship with my parents is beyond close...i love them dearly and enjoy spending time with them. (not just when they take me out to eat) This weekend however i spent alot of time with them. I learned that "cubans can't take the cold because they are from cuba" lol thanks dad, My mom doesn't know how to work the visor in her car (which was good for a long laugh when she almost hit herself with it), My dad gets in trouble alot haha (well only when he messes up my moms car), and that i have the best parents! I know i have said this many times but i'm so going to say it again. I am truly thankful for my mom and dad. I know people tell me all the time and i joke and say "well you don't have to live with them haha" but i am truly thankful for them. They are both beautiful people, who love the Lord so much and have such a passion for lost souls it's contagious! From there example and love, care and support has made me who i am today and who i would like to be in the future! My parents enjoy loving on people and giving of whatever they have...to whomever. Which i find to be so wonderful and i love that about them!
Today just being in the career i am in i see so many broken families and i see the hurt and pain family members and children go through...it breaks my heart. I wish that they can have what i've had my whole life a wonderful family filled with love. And seeing those things makes me even more thankful for my parents and the amazing people they are and that they love jesus so much and both have such a passion for Christ and what to serve him in anyway possible. Spending time with them is so wonderful because they are actually funny and make me laugh and i always enjoy our talks about ministry and hearing where there heart is at...its so wonderful! I love the way they are with each other and i hope one day to be like that with my husband! =) i love my parents! And if u don't know them you should because they are funny, talkative, loving, caring people!
I LOVE THEM 2!!!!!
I love your parents!!!!!!!!!
Idys and Stacie...we love you both very much!!! Kristy we love you too!!
P.S. Idys & Stacie...the X & O's are hugs and kisses!!!
Your parents are the best.I love your parents.your dad is a great hugger.
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