
My Happy List

So like these last two weeks have flown by and it seems that this last month has been truly wonderful! And as i woke up this morning i started thinking of all the wonderful things happening in my life and i had to just stop and be thankful to God for just arranging all these blessings and just arranging all these things perfectly (He is so great isn't he?!?!) so i decided to make a happy list of all the great things that are going on, things to come, and just in general whats making me happy! Hope its fun to read and let me challange to make ur own happy list it really helps you realize how blessed u and and really puts joy in ur heart!

Kristy's Happy List:

-My Little Pecan (thats evan lol) it's been an amazing almost first month together and i am so happy that God has put him in my life! Its been truly wonderful spending time with him and i truly think he is amazing :)

-Getting my Internship: Fall semster i will be half way done with grad school and on my way to bigger things my internship! i cannot tell u how happy i am that i have recieved the internship of my choice which will be working with Broward county school in a anti bullying program called SUPERB...we work with the kids in groups, individually and together with there families and teachers to help the well being of these stuedents in elementary and middle school...i cannot tell u how excited i am to actually begin doing what i want to do for the rest of my life...creating an impact on peoples lives! it makes my heart jump!

-Seeing two of my best friends start a new chapter in thier lives: I have had the wonderful oppurtunity to see my best friend from college get married this weekend a person i thought would never take the dive in my opinion but she did and it was perfect and so beautiful! Just to see her grow into a women of God and take the next step in life...it was truly a wonderful time to just see her and spend time with her! And now in less than a month i will see my second best friend walk down the isle! I'm so happy for her...as truly her story with her future husband is like out of a book God truly arranged it and i couldn't be happier. I'm excited to see how beautiful everything turns out and to see the two of them together :) oh happy times! and dancing lol

-Getting my car cleaned now i can find things!

-Spending a weekend with my parents and Evan at the beach!

- Meeting Evan's Family: Was nerve wrecking i must say but they are truly a wonderful family! And i am so glad that they are his family lol...his mom is adorable (and a good cook) his sister is the cutest middle schooler i know and his dad is funny...i'm so excited to get to know them better!

- Seeing chanty 2 days in a row! (it hardly ever happens that way)

- Shana turns 24 this week! woot woot!

- My new favorite snack bread, olive oil and pepper...lol

- Elevate growing

- Having 12 volunteers (hopefully) for tommorrow's ovation!!! Its so exciting to see people serving and i'm so happy to have been granted this leadership position! i love it! i love finding things for people to do and i am so excited to see what God has in the future!

-Leading Small Group....i loved doing it Monday! Just talking with girls in heart to heart conversation it wonderful! The fact that we can go there each week and learn something from each other is wonderful and to know i have a small part in that makes me happy!

-getting a tan! i've been rather white lately

-my parents anniversary

-getting to see my cousin brittney a few weeks ago

-Seeing new places (San Antonio was beautiful!)

-getting hugs from nana and moni and vanessa of course!

-drinking white chocolate mochas again

-greys anatomy and ugly betty episodes online!

-Getting new client for tuesday (i now officially have 2 clients!)

i'm sure there are million more but thats all that comes to my mind at the moment and if i keep writing u'll have to read for hours!


Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad :)

This weekend my lovely parents celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary! Wow that's a loooong time nowadays. I am so thankful that i have such wonderful parents who truly still love each other and show it everyday! i am very lucky to have this example of what a marriage should look like and one day hope to be just like them! Happy anniversary mommy and daddy! And thanks for letting me and evan crash your party :)


Texas here i come....

As some of you know...this week i will be leaving on a jet plane (don't worry i'm coming back! i can't leave evan for that long lol) and i will be heading to the state of Texas (where everything is rumored to be bigger and better i doubt it!) as some of you might know i'm not very fond of Texas but since its for one of my best
friends than i'm okay. So i'm sure some of you are asking what the heck are you going to Texas for (i'm asking the same thing...lol) but i'm going to Austin, TX to see one of my very best friends get married! If you knew this girl you would just be as happy as i am. I can only say that i am like a proud parent...haha....Mary Jo has evloved into the most amazing woman i have known...without the example of her mom who abondended her at a young age...Mj has learned to love despite that and change who she is so that her family will be diiferent. I admire her for that and respect her
greatly for tackling her fears (of commitment) and just trusting
God with her future. Like i said i couldn't be prouder. So because
I love memories...i'm going to share a little about Mj and our college days....the first time i met Mj i thought she was the dumbest girl ever...i rem. she was my nieghbor and she wrote on her door welcome to our pad and actually put a womens feminine pad on her door....i looked at it and i was omg it's going to be quite the year...little did i know that Mj would become the bestest friend ever and roomie. My next encounter with her was at hall meeting...i thought she was the wierdest she was the rebel...with her crazy mismatched (she still to this day does it) striped socks saying the most sarcastic comments...i thought omg shut up! But little did i know she would be like a sister to me....As time went on and she tried to steal my other friend i began to hang out with her and she seemed cooler and cooler...she was the only white girl that spoke spanish and loved cubans! She was funny and she liked to dance....so needless to say we became friends instantly! And than roomies for the next 3 yrs. Because of Mj i think that my college experience was amazing to have such an awesome and spontaneous friend by ur side always helps there is never a dull moment...and i have had the privelege of seeing us both grow into adults. I think our room set the record for most reps for not cleaning your room or being late to convo....i won't forget the night we would stay up all night playing pokemon puzzle and eating sheets talking about our love triangles (well mostly hers) or the time we pranked Jacob's car at 5am and framed someone else (which ps...he didn't find out it was us till we graduated!) Our favorite thing to do was talk spanish around people who didn't understand it they would get so mad! (especially our other hounddog roomate) One of my favorite memories was when she suprised me and took me camping! (i had a bit of a mishap but we all survived!) i love our friendship we would talk all the time on the phone for hours...we were so different yet so the same...she's a rebel i'm not...she's a free spirit i'm not up for environmental things...i'm loud she's calm and quiet...but we are both spontanous! So for four yrs. God blessed me with an amazing family memeber i guess you could say since i had no family in lynchburg her family took me in as there own...haha i still to this day have the record for the friend that visited her house the most on weekend trips! She was my support, encouragement, accountablity, shoulder to cry on, and i was blessed and still am...even though she lives in TX and is getting married doesn't mean we stop being friends it means we are both beginning the next chapters of our lives (mine is just little delayed lol) It so cool to see us now 6 yrs. later....we always would wonder about the future and here we are in it! and its just so cool to see us grown up and see what awesome adults and women we have become...i love it! So i'm soooooooooooooooooo excited to see my hermanita i've missed her so and so proud to see her get married!


Weekend Lowdown

Weekend Lowdown:
Highlight: throwing one of my best friends a beautiful bridal shower and realizing how blessed i am to have her in my life!
Moment to remember: that punch in spanish is called PUNCHAA...gotta love cubans!
Other Highlights: Elevate BBQ, Jamming at gospel factory, Vanessa getting caught stealing food, playing bridal games and winning, steak and shake with my boyfriend, lunch date with my buffa, pulse, TCBY...
Evan...Couple Watching...
laughing...talking...talking and more talking :)


Why i love Carson Day my small group leader!

It is to my understanding that My amazing small group leader Carson Day has been feeling a little under the weather...soooo i decided that i would dedicate a whole blog post about how cool she really is!!!! These are the top reasons why i love Carson Day! But there are far to many to list soo i just listed my top favorites!

1. She likes Fried Pickles
2. Her laugh is contagious
3. Her smile can light up a room in an instant
4. She has cool sayings like "Shut up"
5. She drives a pimped out pick up truck...
6. She has the coolest avatars ever and can rock them better than any celebrity
7. She has cool dance moves better than Usher (just ask her to do the orange dance!)
8. She is an amazing example of a leader
9. Her heart for ministry is awesome
10. I mean her name is just cool!
11. She likes sephora which means shes really good at putting makeup on! (you never know when you might need a makeup artist)
12. She is quite humorous and has jokes that will knock your off your feet
13. She just amazing!!!!
14. She likes Brotha's

So if you don't know Carson Day i suggest you get to know her! End of Story! :) My small group rocks!


At least miami is good for something...

Today while i was opening the internet AOL news reported a story that fasicinated me...thats right people Worst citites for road rage...of course the headline caught my attention since i somewhat sometimes can suffer from roadrage...and being curious as to who had the number one spot...i opened it up...and well wouldn't you know Miami got the number one spot! (like that doesn't suprise anyone!) See living in miami is not as bad as we think...i mean we are number one for a roadrage city! It kinda makes me feel like i can drive anywhere even New York (because we so beat them!) Here are all the other sissy cities we beat!

Worst Cities for Road Rage:

1. Miami

2. Boston

3. New York

4. Baltimore

5. Washington

However if you do not like the challenge of driving with road rage you may want to consider these other cities....

1. Pittsburg

2. Portland

3. Seattle

4. Minneapolis

5. Cleveland



okay so today i was looking through my Argentina pictures...and for those of u that don't know let me give u some bio on why i even went to argentina...i went last summer with my grandparents church to three different parts of argentina to 1. help remodel a youth camp (hard labor)2. run a vacation bible school .... i had the best time there and God truly used us in a great way! but to finish where i was going in my blog...today i was looking at my pictures and see i'm not a hard labor kind of girl so when i was asked to build a sidewalk i almost throw up...haha....u mean u want me and the other girls to break the side walk with a pick and than dig it out and dig two in. deep and than make cement the old fashion way and pour it down?!?!u must be crazy! but i did it and we made the best darn side walk in all of history and the best part was we were girls! The boys would make jokes about how we would never finish and we would give up but we showed them...when they were to tired to finish work we kept going into the night all because we wanted to finish we wanted to say i built that sidewalk i made that i did it i had an investment in it...i actually started something and finished! As hard as it was there were times i was tired...i complained...i hated the boys for making fun of us and wished at times argentina had the tools we had to make life easier but looking at those pictures i realized i didn't give up...and now the boys dormatory has amazing sidewalk to walk on when it rains...a small impact in the kingdom of God....so this started to make me think of accomplishments. How many times have we started something and not finished? Or let someone else laughter keep us from finishing? i know i'm guilty of it. Just like when i was building the sidewalk i get tired, i complain, and i wish it could be easier and try to take shortcuts...But doesn't it feel so good when you start something and u finish no matter how hard it is for u...its like a sense of holy crap i did it! i put my mind or strength to it and i did it....well i mean obviously with Gods help....but you did it! I mean that's how i felt when i got my undergrad in college....i couldn't believe i did it..i actually graduated soemthing that most people never do i did! there such a sense of accomplishment that i did something so hard! and it felt good and i'm a better person because of it....but than why is it so hard for us to finish the race sometimes...why is it so hard for us to finish school or a task or something God ask us to do....if accomplishment is so great and all that and a bag of potatoe chips...than why do we lose hope sometimes and quit or give up or just lose interest? Is it that we lose focus on the end? Or that we get frustrated because it's taking to long God? Do fear or even doubt keep us from finishing? Or is it other's that discourage us from finishing? i know i have been guilty of those feelings....but why? I mean i can do all things through Christ who strengthen me....but sometimes its not enough for me i know that promise but...sometimes i get tired and i don't want to finish...God brought me to those pictures to help me realize this today...see the sense of accomplishment u get from achievement is amazing but far more than that! God has promised to help us...and that if we don't turn in the towel he will help push us forward....and than God pointed me to these verses in Philippians...."Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I KEEP TRYING to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ the life above. " You know the verse i mean don't we always read this about the christian faith but what if for a minute we applied this to our goals the things that we have started and haven't yet finished. God has called us to forget the past (which can mean other failures) and move forward....and keep trying...never giving up! So that we can reach our goal and get the prize for which God has called us... he doesn't call us to these goals for just fun there is a purpose in all he calls us...even my dumb sidewalk expereience...he has purpose in our accomplishments...when we accomplish our goals we are investing in his plan...in his big pciture that he is painting for our lives....Does that make u want to finish? because i know i do! i want to keep going no matter how hard it gets i want to see the result of my accomplishment...and it's going to feel good! So school maybe boring and hard and annoying but in one year i will be done...and i will be a therapist an actual therapist! Those people u see on TV yup i'm going to be one...and i'm going to help people and have an impact on there lives and there families...i just to have to endure the hard stuff yes it feels sometimes that i will never be therapist but i got to focus on the end and how my accomplishment with fit into God's gigantic plan!



So yesterday was Monday...and you know what that means it was elevate! I was so happy because i was going to able to see allmy friends but what i didn't expect was to see 18 new people! I was put in charge to head up my group for food so i got something that i thought would feed 30people but as 7pm rolled around and i began to see close to 48 people i was shocked! Obviously i was stinkin excited 48 college students passionate about God to share life together. You could just feel the excitment in the room after elevate was finish people meeting people laughing, hugging, and talking and all i could do was be still for moment and say THANK YOU GOD! i mean i was in awe...its funny because i don't doubt God can do things...but i think we forget how powerful he is and how he can answer prayers! But when he does something its always huge and it just brings glory to his name:)
I am so pumped....because i believe that elevate will grow double than what we had in no time...and i have faith it will! Mymind wonders with ideas and just differentways to reach college students and forming relationships! Do you know how many college students are out there that are to nervous or scared to cometoa group like ours but feel so lonely?!?! And I believe that for this purpose God has set a fire and a passion in the leaders hearts of elevate and want to see elevate take over every college campus...i know thats where my heart is at...and i have faith that God is going todo it! It's like that song i blogged about at passion..."greater are things are yet to come...."and i believe this is GREAT BUT i am so pumped to see the greater things :)

Ps. and just in case u were in suspense about the food everyone got fed!


The Beast...

So on friday night i decided that i would go hang out with my friends and pass by my grandparents church....they happened to be talking about the end times and one of my friends was asked "if she was a good drawer?" she answered "i'm the best" after she was read verse by verse what to draw and this is what her beast locust came out as....
What an artist!

My top ten things...

This weekend was amazing!!! And so i decided to share with you guys the top 10 memorable things that happened this weekend! enjoy!

1. I got a boyfriend (who's really amazing :)
2. My parent's being normal and embrassing IE to the point where she left
3. Mo's Wedding Shower (especially seeing everyone dressed up as PIRATES)
4. Playing Charades with my crazy friends that fight all the time!
5. Cristina's Fiesta (and Chili con Queso and pinata fun!)
6. Miguel's Typo on Twitter
7. Sleeping till 1:30pm
8. Bridesmaid shopping
9. Watching 27 dresses (one of my favorites!)
10. When Evan almost fell off his chair and broke the lamp in mo's office!


Birthdays = Fun Times

Nana is one of my favorite friends in the entire world! i have known this girl for awhile...and have had the privelege of seeing her grow into a women of God...she can light up a room in an instant with her laughter and jokes...she has the best hugs...and shes the sweetest person you'll ever meet...today was her 24th birthday and i was happily asked to go spend it with her and her family! She is an amazing friend, thoughtful, and caring, and has a heart for muslim people, and God has blessed her with an amazing finance which she met in the middle east! She has a heart after God and i love being her friend in fact i have been blessed to have her as one of my closet friends...I have the privelege of being on of her bridesmaids for the happiest time in her life...and will miss these nights where we can just hang out talk about non sense and laugh and get the best hugs in the world...it was an honor spending her last birthday in miami (most probaly) with her! and it only makes me sad that soon she will be moving to Illinois! But tonight was amazing :) and it reminds me again how blessed i am to have the friends that i have!