
My Long Lost Twin!

So i always thought i was an only child but come to find out that i have a secret twin! Her name is Boo! and the best part is she's an actress she stared in some movie called Monsters something haha
See the Resemblence?!?! cause i totally can!
Sweet Memories! You gotta love summer vacations with the buffa (translation=best friend)! Silly things tend to always happen! I Love You Chanta!


Baby Maddison =)

Yesterday at 4pm Maddison Lynn Todd was born! Isn't she adorable?!?! Who is Maddison and why am i posting her on my blog well first of all i think she's simply adorable and 2nd her parnets have a very strong impact on my life. Not only are they friends but they are my mentors people who just have shown me kindness and just been amazing examples!
See i attend my grandparents church alot as some of you know and about a year ago our college group was in need of help only 5 people were going our leaders had abondoned us and we just wanted amazing leaders that we could just look up to and learn from....we prayed and prayed and secretly me and one of my best friends hoped it would be Jennifer and Brian (because they are awesome!) and long and behold God answered our prayers! They decided to be our college leaders...and i was so excited just to see the passion in college group it made me sooooo excited! As one of the leaders in the mix i really got to spend time with them and plan things and as this year or longer lol has gone by i thank God for this blessing of putting two amazing leaders in my life! They are both just God fearing people who love God and have such a passion to help young people its amazing! Their fire is truly contangious spend a few min. with them and you will want to take on the world! They have helped us in times of need and brought us joy (especially when we have prank wars), and the best part is i feel like they are our friends and they care about us and love us....So this is why baby Maddison is important to me...because her parents are important to me and have impacted my life for Christ and has pushed to become who God has planned me to be!
I'm excited to see the plans God has for baby Maddison as she grows! It's been amazing to see her grow from basically nothing into this real life baby. Babies are so beautiful and pure...i'm so glad God created them haha


Group Projects Should be Outlawed!!!!

So i don't know about you guys but in college i hated the concept of group projects i never really understood...you get stuck in a group with 6 other people that you hardly know and most of the time you don't really like these people! They have differnet personalities and different ways of getting work accomplished...most of the time thier is one person that does all the work (slave driver) and the other lazy ones that agree to it (procrastinators)...and at the end of it all you learn nothing except that group projects are either easy because someone else does the work or dumb because you could of done this by yourself in your dorm and gotten a whole better grade! So i graduated college to think i had done my last group project only to find out that in Grad School their is a WHOLE SEMSTER CLASS on the concept of groups! oh happy day...this semster has been truly a challenge even though i have wonderful group we have all very different styles of working (which means we are all very strong leaders!) so try spending a hour in our group...thats right our group is like Jerry springer all the time. Its crazy because we all get along but we fight all the time its like love hate...So in my inspiration of doing some parts of my group project today...i decided to make a list of pros and cons to group work:

Group Work VS. My Work

1. You have other peoples opnions 1. My idea always wins

2. You have to talk alot 2. I can work silently

3. It takes forever to paste a picture to a board! 3. I can paste 30 pictures to a board

4. I don't have to drive to Africa to have a 15 minute 4. I don't have to have group meetings!

group meeting!

5. Your Grade depends on everyone in the group 5. I get the grade i deserve!

And this list can go on forever! So my suggestion Group Projects should be outlawed!


Horton Hears a Who get's 4 stars from me!

Okay so this is now my most favortie movie! I saw it last night and thought it was the funniest movie ever! If you haven't seen GO SEE IT NOW! Here's clip of one of my many favorite parts in the movie. Enjoy!

A sweet reminder....

Today was such an amzing day! All the easter services i went to were wonderful and just touched me. God was at total work today! =) tonight as i came home i was getting ready to do my homework...and than my mom gives me a dvd of the peru makeover! I have waited countless months for that DVD! and finally i can watch my sweet beautiful sisters! =) So i popped in the DVD and what i got in return was a sweet reminder of God's work in my life and the life of others. Watching the video just brought me back as if i were in Peru and i began to rem. my beautiful peruvian sisters (they are so beautiful) i began to rem. there stories and once again as the day i met them i was touched by the blessing they had in my life this past year. Not one day goes by that i don't think about these girls....they are soo soo soo beautiful both inside and out but sadly some of them think not! My heart yearns for these girls that they would be the women God has called them to be...and that he will protect there every way! The beautiful thing about this trip was that yes i was blessed in Peru but i continue to be blessed by these wonderful girls as i have formed a long lasting relationship with them and continue to talk to them! It was such an appointment from God that i went on this trip because it has impacted who i am...it touched my heart...it made me grow....it helped me form relationships that i am sooooo thankful for =) and it is a sweet reminder of why i enjoy being a child of God for these missions he calls me too! When i left peru i left a piece of my heart there...i long more than ever to be over there with the girls! And i have an oppurtunity to do that this year....so hopefully God will open the door for me to see my beautiful princessa's. Like i told the girls before i left i never had any siblings growing up my mom couldn't have anymore kids and i just always wished for sisters but now i have 23 of them all ages and sizes and all girls too haha. If you want to be blessed like i continue to be GO TO LIMA THIS YEAR! It will change your life forever! There are 4 trips the first starting in April! Don't miss out on God's wonderful appointment for your life =)


Good Friends

" Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." Ecc. 4:9-10

Yesterday Night was girls night with some of my very best friends! Vanessa the one pictured in the middle (sorry boys shes taken haha) came home from LU on springbreak! And we are so glad to have her home! It was a great excuse for all of us to hang out...nothing exciting we went to Pei Wei and were the loudest ones in the place but we had such a wonderful time! Laughing, Joking, just being girls with not a boy in site! As i thought about it i realized how refreshing it is to have good girl friends! Especially ones that are such wonderful God fearing Women! ;)
We are all at a transational stage in our lives some of us are getting married and moving to another state (nana), some are in grad school (me) and some are just graduating college...and though our lives can get chaotic its great to have friends that i can just have fun with and laugh with and be me. i know these girls will do anything for me and i hope when were old ladies we will still be able to have our dinners out, and still be the loudest ones there. Even if it means flying somewhere haha
My heart gets happiest on nights like these when i can just be myself around friends that love me and will laugh at my dumb jokes haha. I have truly been blessed for all the wonderful friendships that God has put into my life especially these friends...they hold a special place in my heart and bring much joy and happiness to my heart!
So i was thinking If i had to compare us to something it would so be the movie the sisterhood of the traveling pants : we laugh, were spontanous, we have sad moments but were always there even if its just giving each other a hug, and i know we will be lifelong friends, and instead of passing around jeans we will be passing around a big book =)
And like the verse above said if i didn't have these girls there would be times i would be in lots of trouble! Because they have reached out and helped me many times and for that i am thankful! And to all my other friends i love you also and you bring much joy as well! don't think i didn't forget about you ;)

"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine."
Thomas Jefferson


Fun Quiz Time!

What Starbucks drink are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as White Chocolate Mocha

You are mostly like this drink because this drink looks like regular coffe on the outside, just like you seem to be normal. In really, you are both really great and sweet

White Chocolate Mocha


Espresso Shots


De-Caf Latte





Weekend Highlights =)

So this was an unexpectedly good weekend! Despite the fact that it started a little traumatic with my dog near death experience (he's fine now!) it turned up.... and i had alot i guess i had to look forward too! I got to spend much time with the ones i truly love and adore family and friends and of course the books! haha

So here are some of my weekend highlights:

-Hanging out with Luke's sisters at the mall

-Finding our bridesmaid jewelry!!!

-Brickoven pizza from italy today (yummy!)

-playing would you rather with danny d.

-Eating with tio pauls and the whole family!

-hugging my abuela a million times

-seeing my older cousin =)

-playing games with jordan on the iphone (and winning of course!)

-catching up finally in homework

-watching elizabeth and learning things

-vanessa my beloved coming home for spring break!

-game night on the wii at jess house!

-laughing and hugging vanessa!

-hugging on my doggie! after he was better!

-getting my gladiator sandals!


Wedding Dance First As A Couple FUNNY Baby Got Back

This video crack me up! I'm so for choregraphed dances on wedding days! lol



Today while i was waiting at the dermatologist and grew rather impatient with every minute after my appointment time i began to think of the concept of waiting and how we sometimes well most of the time hate waiting. I tried to be as patient as possible knowing that this office takes a zillion years but after the game got old i moved to check my email and than the email got old so i went on you tube and that got old and finally i decided to observe other people's impatience as well. I noticed that the longer amount of time that went on the angier people would get and they would come and complain and yell at the nurse receptionist. I also noticed that longer people had to wait the more restless they became and every little thing seemed to bother than like the air conditioning or the crying babies or even that the exit was to far ....stuff they never had notice before. I also observed that the longer people had to wait the more people they would rally for there complaining campaign and quickly would have several people complaining with them. At first none of these things bothered me but the longer i waited the more agitated i became and the more agitated i became the more i wanted to rally with the complaining campaign. I finally was called after an hour of waiting and when i finally got into the room i was once again left alone for awhile at first i began to get irrated but than i started to think of the notion of waiting.

Why is it that we hate waiting so much? I thought about myself not just in the waiting room but other times like at the bank when someone takes a million years at the teller or in line at publix or even on 1-75 when the person is driving slow as can be...or even more importantly in my walk with God...i hate to wait for anything or anyone but where the heck is the fire why the race to get so far so quick? i mean isn't it true that waiting on God's best anything can get old after awhile especially when it doesn't come right when we want it...at first we get angry and complain to God and yell and scream "come on God where the heck is my (u fill in the blank)!!!" Our prayers are filled with impatience and bitterness as to why we haven't recieved what we wanted. Than after we scream at God for awhile. We begin to complain about everything "so and so got a new job and i didn't! I've been asking for one forever." or "so and so got a husband and i'm still waiting God" so much that our focus now becomes not waiting on God's best but that God hasn't pulled through for us! After we've gotten angry and complained we begin to drag people down with us " Oh yeah i'm sure were never going to get a job God stinks." or " You know what so and so got so not fair what about us!" We act like if we do these things What we want will come faster but actually it comes at the same time which is Gods time! and we waste all this time, energy and stress into worrying and being impatient that we totally miss why God has us waiting for and his perfect planning skills. Waiting doesn't have to be a bad thing in fact it's not a bad thing its a time to enjoy the time you have and just take it slow and relax and just think. God doesn't have us wait to punish us but so that we can use our waiting time wisely. So whenever you begin to grow impatient on waiting on God just rem. to relax and think about why God whats you to wait and enjoy that time of peace!


What's my age again?

Okay so today i was looking through some pictures and i totally found these amusing videos of Argentina! See i went to argentina on a missions trip this summer. It was great to just sit here and have a good laugh of us being totally retarded. The last night we stayed in Junin, Argentina we decided to act like high schoolers literally! We pranked every single one of the rooms our friends were staying in...if you have never stayed in a south american country the room's electricty is controled by sticking your room key in a slot by the front door...so we went around to peoples rooms and pulled out the key and slammed the door shut so that it would be pitch black with no electricty (we found this hilarious!) if thats not enough i got a fairly bright idea to do something called olympic bed jumping! What's olymic bed jumping you ask? See since me and my roomate were lucky enough to have the room at the end of a long hallway we thought it would be wise to run allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way down the hall onto the bed and form some kind of creative jump! It was a great experience and these videos capture three differnet jump performances! Mine, Vanessa my roommate (partner in crime) and Laz a marine (which is cheating because they have to jump alot!) i must tell you that this was one of the best nights ever! It was great to just be a crazy kid again...haha We eventually had to stop because we didn't realize it but our running down the hall was causing the whole hotel to shake. Ah good times! Sometimes its great to just have fun and be carefree and act like a kid again and just live some of our moments like that! What's life for if we can't enjoy it! Sorry their are no sound on the videos but my camera has no sound haha...but enjoy and hope it gives u insight as to how crazy i can be!


I heart my Parents!

Ah...Parents they are the ones who give us life, make us happy, makes us cry, make us mad at times, other times they makes us go crazy, they just know how to embrass us but deep down inside we love them! And thats just how i feel about my mom and dad. Obivously you know i'm an only child so my relationship with my parents is beyond close...i love them dearly and enjoy spending time with them. (not just when they take me out to eat) This weekend however i spent alot of time with them. I learned that "cubans can't take the cold because they are from cuba" lol thanks dad, My mom doesn't know how to work the visor in her car (which was good for a long laugh when she almost hit herself with it), My dad gets in trouble alot haha (well only when he messes up my moms car), and that i have the best parents! I know i have said this many times but i'm so going to say it again. I am truly thankful for my mom and dad. I know people tell me all the time and i joke and say "well you don't have to live with them haha" but i am truly thankful for them. They are both beautiful people, who love the Lord so much and have such a passion for lost souls it's contagious! From there example and love, care and support has made me who i am today and who i would like to be in the future! My parents enjoy loving on people and giving of whatever they have...to whomever. Which i find to be so wonderful and i love that about them!

Today just being in the career i am in i see so many broken families and i see the hurt and pain family members and children go through...it breaks my heart. I wish that they can have what i've had my whole life a wonderful family filled with love. And seeing those things makes me even more thankful for my parents and the amazing people they are and that they love jesus so much and both have such a passion for Christ and what to serve him in anyway possible. Spending time with them is so wonderful because they are actually funny and make me laugh and i always enjoy our talks about ministry and hearing where there heart is at...its so wonderful! I love the way they are with each other and i hope one day to be like that with my husband! =) i love my parents! And if u don't know them you should because they are funny, talkative, loving, caring people!


Happiness is Free =)

So a couple days ago my prima (marce) posted a wonderful post that i decided to copy in my own blog...i guess it kinda just impacted me... see she said she was driving down the street and she saw something beautiful that touched her heart something rather simple but amazing because God uses those things to make us happy so she made a list of the things that make her happy and thank God for those blessings and encouraged everyone to make a list of there own and look at it and thank God for his goodness! So since today i feel like complaining just about everything i decided that i to would make a list and just thank God for all the things he has put in my life and has given me! His blessing are amazing. I encourage you also to make a list and just thank God for his greatness in your life. So here's mine:
1. Taking naps with the window open on breezy days
2. Worshiping
3. God Moments
4. Spending the afternoon at abuela and abuelo's house
5. Nachos dripping with cheese
6. Eating out with my parents and laughing and being silly with them
7. Hugs
8. Laughing until i cry
9. Fall leaves
10. Wearing sweatpants and Watching chick flicks with snowy and my winnie the pooh comforter
11. Wearing clothes fresh out of the dryer
12. Hanging out at nana's house for hours eating cookies and just being a girl with my girls
13. Talking on the phone with Moni about life
14. Babies smiles
15. Gerber daises in full bloom
16. A new Haircut
17. Sleeping in until afternoon
18. Pig out weekends with Chanty
19. Candles Burning
20. Cuddling with people
21. Elderly Affectionate couples
22. Thanksgiving with my family
23. Interior decorating shows
24. Finding something cool on sale
25. The smell of baking cupcakes or cookies
26. Playing board games
27. hearing children laughing
28. Trying new things
29. going to the beach and hearing the waves crash
30. Spending time with God

Now for a serious post....God i'm thankful for Disipline!

I have been wanting to blog about this for a few days but haven't....but here it goes! On monday night we talked about disipline and i'm so glad we did but it made me realize how lucky and thankful i am for God's displine. I know call me crazy but the more i thought about it the happier i became. See God's displine is a sign i'm growing in him he loves me so much. I don't think i have ever realized this before but now i do. The other night when we were talking in small group about it i realized that i many times have experienced what it is to have God's displine on my life...most recently a couple of yrs ago when he took out somethings in my life at first i was upset like any child that is put on time out but looking back on my journey now i realize how much he loved me by sparing me from more hurt and pain than i can ever imagine and my dependence and trust in him now i realize it has increased. God has blessed me in more ways than one as a result of it! We would be here all night if i wrote it. I cant help be thankful for God's displine and he yearning for us to be like him. It's not that were wrong and he wants it his way...its that he is literally forming us into who he wants us to be chizzeling away at all that doesn't belong. So next time you feel God's displine rem. how thankful you should be for such a loving, caring father =)


I want to be a Hassadah

So i have recently become fond of reading books. i know its pretty shocking i am suprised to by my love for reading lately but maybe its because of the author i've been reading is pretty darn amazing her name is Francine Rivers and she writes books that deal with real life things that were in the bible with fake characters. Anyways i read redeeming love this past summer and if you have never read that book and your a girl YOU WILL LOVE IT! i loved it so much i read it in a week. Its the story of Rahab. Anyways right before i went to Lima i decided to buy another one of her books and it happened to be apart of three book series. I read the first book during christmas and fell in love with it and now i'm on the second book. It's a form of relaxing for me to get in the world of this book. Anyways, The book takes place back around the time when christians were being persecuted and Rome was the biggest city or whatever there was....gladiator fights were big and basically the world hated jews. The city of Jeruselam is taken captive and Somehow God saves Hassadah but the rest of her family dies (i'm trying not to go into to much detail) She questions God as to why since she is shy and has never been bold about her faith. Throughout the first book God uses her as a slave in a household of greeks who believe nothing in God...I must tell you reading about Hassadah has really just completely inspired me to follow this characters example. I know sometimes i like Hassadah am not bold and wish i can be bolder and wonder what great things God has planned for me.

As the book goes on God ask Hassadah to do alot of things...to the point that she was put in a loins den BUT despite all that was going around her she trusted God, was a comfort for other christians, and even found the time to witness to a guard right before she went in! As in the first book i was convicted about what boldness and love and care Hassadah had for lost souls and how her heart ached for them...i couldn't help think of my own life and how sometimes don't care enough about the people i love the most and how the heart condition is so broken and hurting and they need Jesus. Because hassadah was in God's will and in the center of his plan he spared her life and that is where the second book begins. Which is such a wonderful reminder of when we are in the center of God's will he protects us!

Today as i read the book i was just touched by the women this character is again! in the chapter i was reading they go to some greek gods temple to save just one basically dying person. Because the slaves that are no longer healthy just get thrown on the steps of the temple to die. Hassadah and the doctor who helped save her life go to the temple and when they go hassadah looks around at all th pain and instead of just watching them and doing nothing (as sometimes i do) she lovingly and peacefuly prays for them and tells them about Jesus! I mean these were people who put her to die in loins den and who revolted to take Jersusalem over but yet she is telling them about God with such care and compassion. As i read that i just began to think about all the people in my life that i have discarded because they have hurt me or others around me...but no Jesus wants us to have compassion on them and love them and show them God's love in the gentlest way. Just like hassadah he wants us to share the good news we hold with them because deep down the soul is lost and all they need is Jesus. I just can't help but want that compassion for people.

The book goes on to tell of how Hassdah was so intune with God that she began to pray for him to show her who he wanted to be the one they saved.....and as she prayed the story contiues that it was one of the soldiers that spit on her when she was taken captive and she saves him! I was shocked to tell you the truth...i really don't know if i would of been able to forgive that quickly but than she was so obedient to God's voice that nothing else mattered but what he wanted!

I must tell you that reading this book has changed my life...not only is it entertainment but i have learned so much from the example of Hassadah. What a women! So obedient to God's voice speaking, So gentle, loving , caring and compassionate and not afraid to share about Jesus! If nothing else those are qualities that i desire to have in my walk with God. I want to be a Hassadah! I want to have God's love written all over me that even in my presence that it would be known i am one of his children. I'm sorry if i ruined the book for you! but you guys should still totally read it even if i just told you like half the books! haha

Why Clean ?!?!

Kristy's Top Ten Reasons to Clean

So although i can be messy at times i however do like to clean (i know my mom is going to happy about this) haha and so today as i clean my room, bathroom and do laundry i was really happy which inspired me to post this blog instead of a boring one. So here are my top 10 reasons for cleaning.

1. I can actually find my shoes

2. The lemony fresh smell

3. My mom is happy

4. i'm not constantly tripping over things

5. I can sit in my papasan chair because there are no longer things on it!

6. I feel like an adult

7. Everything looks shiny and new

8. My sheets feel snuggly and warm

9. i feel a sense of accomplishment and being productive

10. My room smells good


When you say yes to much....

If its something i realized this year is that i commit to easily to many things all because i hate the disappointment that comes in saying no. It feels to me like your letting down that other person but i heard something really interesting on Friday at my grandparents church (thanks Brian) See it's not really you letting that other person down. GoD gives us more than we can manage sometimes not so we can freak out and be super stressed out but so we can first delegate those responisblities to others and have them step up in there walk with God and second so we can realize wow this is to much for me to handle and fully depend and lean on him. I know as for me i have a really hard time letting things go and saying no but as i have realized the more i say yes a few things happen. 1. i get tired 2. i realize that there is no joy in what i'm doing. 3. i began to neglect those responsiblites and not put my heart and soul into them or others. 4. i miss out on the true blessings God has for me. 5. You end up disappointing more people See i'm a take charge person and i feel if i don't do no one will but sometimes i have to sit back and rem. to let others take those responsiblities and step up to the next level with God. As hard as it sounds i still struggle with it...i want to be involved in everything all the time but its not fesible for me to do so sometimes. Listening to what Brian said Friday made me realize that sometimes it is ok to hand those task to someone else and just depend on God to get you through those stressful times. I know for me the last couple months were that way and i have had to let go of alot of responsiblities at church and work and its been so hard but because i have done those things i have been able to see God lift people up and its amazing! And i have been able to enjoy my family and friends alot more. and also study for school ! So Yes isn't always the best!

Hope You guys had a wonderful weekend! i know i did here are the highlights:
-Game night at Carsons
-Beating the boys 5 times at catchphrase
-Going to bed at 5:30am
-Finding a cool dress on sale at Norka
-Spending time with nana and melissa
-Finding nana's wedding shoes
-Eating at beverly hills twice with my parents
-Bowling and actually getting a strike
-playing poker
-eating at crispers for the first time